Upcoming Events in Switzerland

Are you organizing an Event in Switzerland? Do you want to list your events in our Event Calendar? please fill the following form and submit to us.

ከዚህ ቀደም የነበሩ ዝግጅቶች

የአድዋ በዓል - በባዝል


Some Texts goes to the events during last year “Ethiopia Day in Switzerland” is a non profit organisation established to promote Cultural exchange amongst host communities.

የአድዋ በዓል - በርን የጣይቱ ልጆች


“Ethiopia Day in Switzerland” is a non profit organisation established to promote Cultural exchange amongst host communities. “Ethiopia Day in Switzerland” is a non profit organisation established to promote Cultural exchange amongst host communities.

Past Event Number 3


“Ethiopia Day in Switzerland” is a non profit organisation established to promote Cultural exchange amongst host communities.

Past Event Number 4


“Ethiopia Day in Switzerland” is a non profit organisation established to promote Cultural exchange amongst host communities.

Reach Out To Us


Ethiopia Day In Swiss  is a non-political, non-profit, independent, community-based organization that is established to preserve and promote Ethiopian cultural heritage, thereby adding a positive impact to the host country – Switzerland.